Jul 3, 2023 | Business Continuity
What would you do if your business suffered a ransomware attack tomorrow? Do you have a contingency plan in case of a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake? The unexpected can happen anytime, and small businesses can get hit particularly hard. Small businesses are the...
Sep 10, 2021 | Business Continuity, Technology Trends
Technology is full of difficult jargon. Different publications and service providers will use terms interchangeably. An example of this is the usage of backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity. Unfortunately, it is incorrect and common to use these terms to...
Nov 26, 2020 | Business Continuity
Were you working on creating a contingency plan for your business? That’s great! Here are four things you need to consider when preparing your new business continuity plan. 1. Audit of your business continuity plan Having a business continuity plan alone is not...
Sep 24, 2020 | Business Continuity
An emergency can wipe out your business! A business continuity plan can help it survive. But what should a good business continuity plan cover? Read this blog to find out. A list of your key contacts Reporting the occurrence of a disaster to a list of all your...
Sep 18, 2020 | Business Continuity
A business continuity plan is a blueprint you need during an emergency to keep your business running smoothly. If you don’t already have one, here are three key reasons why you should focus on creating one ASAP. 1. It helps retain clients. As a business, if you...