Tech Tips

Disaster Recovery Plans For Business DataNatural disasters like hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes are unpredictable and can result in huge losses. With hurricane season upon us in the Baton Rouge area, many business owners are aware of the preventive measures to protect their home and business’s physical assets to make sure they are ready for when the time comes. But many overlook data recovery as part of their overall disaster recovery plan. With Wahaya IT, data recovery is a pivotal part of your business’s disaster recovery plan.

Natural Disaster Risk

Natural disasters pose an enormous risk to IT infrastructure and data. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reported that 40% to 60% of businesses never reopen their doors after a disaster such as a hurricane.

Data loss can cause significant damage to a business and could even result in a shutdown. And once a hurricane warning is issued, it is already too late. So, the time is now to start.

Natural Disaster Preparedness

The first step in keeping data secure is knowing the natural risks to your facility. Having a plan in place that all necessary employees know will make everything run much smoother. Preparing a disaster recovery/ business continuity plan will keep your business going after a disaster.

Bringing an MSP like Wahaya IT on to help with the plan is critical. We would create a list of all the hardware, software programs, and other tech needed to proceed.

Backups for Disaster Recovery

Having backups of your data is vital in any situation, especially in a natural disaster. Include the information about backups in the disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

Make sure your employees know the plan and conduct mock drills. This ensures that the plan in place is doable and you receive the intended results.

Many steps need to be taken before a natural disaster and after disaster recovery. That is why many businesses rely on Wahaya IT to worry about data recovery while they focus on managing their business.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help your business prepare for hurricane season.

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