Tech Tips

IT mistakesDuring IT consultancy, we come across many clients who are not happy with the way their IT shaped up over the years. They feel their IT investments never really yielded the expected returns. Then they come to us looking to change the trend. When analyzing the reasons for the failure of their IT investment, here’s what IT mistakes we come across most often.

Not Prioritizing IT

This is one of the biggest IT mistakes that SMBs make. When focusing on growing their business, most SMBs think marketing, sales, and inventory. However, very few consider allocating resources–monetary or otherwise towards IT. Instead, people view IT as a cost center. As a result, IT does not get prioritized. Then any investment made in IT is made begrudgingly.

Going for the Fastest, Latest, or Even the “Best Technology”- It May Not be the Best for You

This IT mistake is in contrast to the issue discussed above. Many SMBs realize the key role that IT plays in their business success. But they tend to get carried away and invest in the latest IT trends without considering whether it fits their business needs well or if they need it. Sometimes it is just a case of keeping up with the Joneses. But, why spend on the fastest computers or largest hard drives when you get only incremental productivity benefits?

Your Team is Not with You

When you bring in new technology or even new IT policies, your team needs to work on it daily. Your IT investment is unlikely to succeed if your staff is not on the same page with you. So, before you make that transition from local desktops to the cloud, or from Windows to iOS, or roll out that new BYOD policy, make sure you have your staff on your side.

You are Not Sure How to Put it to Good Use

The lure of new technology is like a shiny, new toy. Investing in something popular and then not using it to its maximum is commonplace. Make sure you make the most of your investment in IT by providing your staff with adequate training on how to use it.

IT can seem challenging to navigate when you have to do it all by yourself. It entails steep costs when taken care of in-house. Add to that the complex task of deciding what IT investment you will benefit the most from and then training your team to use it…all of this is pretty daunting when you have to do it all by yourself. Wahaya IT has the experience and expertise needed to be your trusted partner and guide in these challenges. Wahaya IT is here, helping you make the most of your IT investment.

Click here to learn more about our managed service provider solutions.

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