Adopting a BYOD policy

Adopting a BYOD policy

Employee convenience is one of the primary drivers for adopting a BYOD policy. However, just because it can make life easier doesn’t mean employees don’t have serious concerns about implementing BYOD in the workplace. From the employee perspective, there...
Website cloning: Don’t fall for that trap!

Website cloning: Don’t fall for that trap!

Have you watched one of those horror movies where the something impersonates the protagonist only to wreak havoc later? Well, website cloning does the same thing–to your business–in real life. Website cloning is one of the most popular methods among...
BYOD=Bring your own disaster?

BYOD=Bring your own disaster?

Workplaces today have changed. They extend beyond the working hours, beyond the cubicles. Whether you are commuting to work or even vacationing, chances are you or your employees take a break from the break to reply to those important emails that require ‘immediate...