Data Safety in a Remote Work Environment

Data Safety in a Remote Work Environment

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment Do you have staff working from home? Of late, due to the Coronavirus crisis, many businesses shifted to the remote working environment. While it raises some data security concerns, they can overcome them by...
Data Security Risks While Working from Home

Data Security Risks While Working from Home

The COVID-19 outbreak has shifted the way many companies operate. Many large and small companies, such as Spotify, are making the decision to allow employees to permanently work from home. Working from home gives flexibility when needed, but it has the potential to...
Ransomware Attacks Explained – And How To Prevent Them

Ransomware Attacks Explained – And How To Prevent Them

Ransomware is malicious software designed to encrypt computer files. As a result, it will deny or delete access to the files until victims pay a fee. Essentially, the hacker will hold the data hostage until the company pays the ransom. Many ransomware attacks come as...
Social Media at Work – What Could Go Wrong?

Social Media at Work – What Could Go Wrong?

Social media at work…what could go wrong? As a business, there is no doubt today that you need to make your presence felt. Business’s do this on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. But social media also exposes...