Why you will not be fine on this Cloud9

Why you will not be fine on this Cloud9

Wahaya IT works to protect our clients from online security threats. Cloud9 As part of our service, we always advise our clients to install software updates as soon as they become available and support them through the process where they need help. But if you visit a...
9 Urgent Security Tips for Online Holiday Shopping

9 Urgent Security Tips for Online Holiday Shopping

The holiday shopping season is taking off. Unfortunately, this means that scammers have also revved up their engines. They’re primed and ready to take advantage of all those online transactions. Remember to stay safe online during the buying frenzy this time of...
Watch Out for Reply-Chain Phishing Attack

Watch Out for Reply-Chain Phishing Attack

  Phishing. You can’t read an article on cybersecurity without it coming up. That’s because phishing is still the number one delivery vehicle for cyberattacks. For example, a cybercriminal may want to steal employee login credentials. Or wish to...