With top-notch technicians and a great team to support your company located in Baton Rouge, you’ll find our service plans and offerings very affordable when you need information technology services. Wahaya IT offerings include full Windows support, configuration, network setup, file sharing, antivirus, firewall, and a full security audit. Wahaya IT also supports Microsoft 365. We can help your company get all your software in order and managed by us. In addition, we enjoy helping companies of any size with their computing and networking needs. Need special Office 365 help? Wahaya IT can help you create a game plan that stays within your budget. This plan can give you the best configuration and security features.
Backed by technology experts, we help organizations gain the full benefits of existing systems. Wahaya IT will make strategic investments in implementing replacement solutions, and maintain secure, dynamic, and reliable infrastructure. Wahaya IT offers a full range of information technology services and solutions, including fully managed services, mobile computing, Virtual CIO, IT strategy, virtualization, cloud computing, business continuity, network security, and IP telephony.